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Custom models

Custom models

Odyssey supports using custom Stable Diffusion models with one key distinction - models must be converted to CoreML, which is Apple's framework for supporting AI models locally.

You can visit our Huggingface page to find a large list of models that Odyssey supports. For more advanced users, you can convert PyTorch models yourself by following this tutorial.

Using a CoreML model in Odyssey

When you download a model, you'll need to take the following steps to use your model in Odyssey:

  1. Unzip the file

  2. In Odyssey select settings (⌘ ,)

  3. Navigate to Custom models

  4. Click the + sign

Custom model import through Odyssey

You'll now need to set the model up correctly to run with Odyssey.

  1. Name your model. This will be the name that appears in your dropdown when running the Stable Diffusion node

  2. Select the location where your model's folder is. You should select the folder that contains more than just the model (meaning the .txt file and other files.)

  3. Choose the base model. Custom models are built off of Stable Diffusion base models. The options are Stable Diffusion 1.5, Stable Diffusion 1.5 (ControlNet), Stable Diffusion 2.1, and Stable Diffusion XL. You can typically find this information in the model's repository.

  4. Set your other settings. The Output Width and Output Height and whether your model supports Safe Mode can typically be found in the model card. If your model supports ControlNet, you'll see a file with _cn in the file name in your model folder.

  5. Import your model

Once your model is imported, you should be able to select your model from the model dropdown when running the Stable Diffusion node locally.

Custom model support dropdown in Odyssey

Custom models

Odyssey supports using custom Stable Diffusion models with one key distinction - models must be converted to CoreML, which is Apple's framework for supporting AI models locally.

You can visit our Huggingface page to find a large list of models that Odyssey supports. For more advanced users, you can convert PyTorch models yourself by following this tutorial.

Using a CoreML model in Odyssey

When you download a model, you'll need to take the following steps to use your model in Odyssey:

  1. Unzip the file

  2. In Odyssey select settings (⌘ ,)

  3. Navigate to Custom models

  4. Click the + sign

Custom model import through Odyssey

You'll now need to set the model up correctly to run with Odyssey.

  1. Name your model. This will be the name that appears in your dropdown when running the Stable Diffusion node

  2. Select the location where your model's folder is. You should select the folder that contains more than just the model (meaning the .txt file and other files.)

  3. Choose the base model. Custom models are built off of Stable Diffusion base models. The options are Stable Diffusion 1.5, Stable Diffusion 1.5 (ControlNet), Stable Diffusion 2.1, and Stable Diffusion XL. You can typically find this information in the model's repository.

  4. Set your other settings. The Output Width and Output Height and whether your model supports Safe Mode can typically be found in the model card. If your model supports ControlNet, you'll see a file with _cn in the file name in your model folder.

  5. Import your model

Once your model is imported, you should be able to select your model from the model dropdown when running the Stable Diffusion node locally.

Custom model support dropdown in Odyssey

Custom models

Odyssey supports using custom Stable Diffusion models with one key distinction - models must be converted to CoreML, which is Apple's framework for supporting AI models locally.

You can visit our Huggingface page to find a large list of models that Odyssey supports. For more advanced users, you can convert PyTorch models yourself by following this tutorial.

Using a CoreML model in Odyssey

When you download a model, you'll need to take the following steps to use your model in Odyssey:

  1. Unzip the file

  2. In Odyssey select settings (⌘ ,)

  3. Navigate to Custom models

  4. Click the + sign

Custom model import through Odyssey

You'll now need to set the model up correctly to run with Odyssey.

  1. Name your model. This will be the name that appears in your dropdown when running the Stable Diffusion node

  2. Select the location where your model's folder is. You should select the folder that contains more than just the model (meaning the .txt file and other files.)

  3. Choose the base model. Custom models are built off of Stable Diffusion base models. The options are Stable Diffusion 1.5, Stable Diffusion 1.5 (ControlNet), Stable Diffusion 2.1, and Stable Diffusion XL. You can typically find this information in the model's repository.

  4. Set your other settings. The Output Width and Output Height and whether your model supports Safe Mode can typically be found in the model card. If your model supports ControlNet, you'll see a file with _cn in the file name in your model folder.

  5. Import your model

Once your model is imported, you should be able to select your model from the model dropdown when running the Stable Diffusion node locally.

Custom model support dropdown in Odyssey