Odyssey roadmap

Our goal is to continually add the latest AI models and workflows to Odyssey as the technology continues to advance. Our roadmap page will be the best reflection of what we're working on adding to the app.

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In progress

Features that are actively in development

  • Improved onboarding and guided walkthroughs

  • Improved automation (list/CSV, iterations [loops], random number generator, pipe data from the outside, save and process that outside data, web scraping, etc)

  • Updated Llama implementation

  • LLava support

  • Mistral support

  • Custom LLM support

  • Llama LoRA support

  • Fine tuned LLMs in Odyssey

  • Transcription, translation, and file conversion

  • 3P developer support

Recently added

Features that were released with the latest version of Odyssey

5/24/24 - Odyssey V1.0.18


  • Renamed the Advanced section in the Remake node’s inspector to Creativity.

  • The Remake node’s Influence slider has been replaced with a Creativity Amount slider. Note that this change requires a reversal in how the slider previously worked. In other words, a Creativity Amount of 0.4 is equivalent to an Influencevalue of 0.6.

  • Added sensible presets to the Creativity Amount slider. Tip: hover on each one to see an explanation.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug that broke the preview function in the Batch (Images) node.

  • Fixed a bug that broke the Insert menu.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented images from saving properly when embedding a workflow in an image.

  • Fixed a bug that caused batching to fail when using the Remake node.

5/14/24 - Odyssey V1.0.17


  • The Remake node now has a Manual mode. Manual mode lets you target specific regions of an image with customized parameters. For example, you can set your diffusion prompt on a per-tile basis and use different steps and starting-image-influence values for different tiles. Additionally, Manual mode makes it possible to use any image-to-image diffusion model. It also comes with configurable blending zones that make it easier to target very small sections of an image with a highly specialized prompt and blend the result into the surrounding image without creating seams. You learn more about the Remake node’s Manual mode by following our dedicated guide (https://odysseyapp.io/guides/remake) or watching this feature walkthrough (https://youtu.be/w5GygRm12KY?feature=shared).

  • The Remake node’s Automatic mode now includes the option to run a configurable second diffusion pass to add additional detail and iron out any seams caused by the first pass. To access the second-pass option, select a 4K or 8K output resolution.

  • The GPT node now supports GPT-4o. It’s cheaper, faster, and comes with a 128,000-sized context window.


  • Pressing the i key while hovering over a node will display the node’s inspector (if it has one) in a popover next to the node.

  • Pressing the spacebar while hovering over a node with an image preview will produce a larger preview in a dedicated window.

  • Odyssey now persists image data in dedicated files inside Odyssey document bundles. You can access them by right-clicking a workflow in the Finder, selecting Show Package Contents and navigating to the Images folder. This approach comes with significant speed improvements when opening and saving workflows.

5/06/24 - Odyssey V1.0.16


  • The brand-new Remake node lets you reimagine an image by a) upscaling the image with a variety of super-resolution models, and b) enhancing the image’s details with a configurable diffusion model. You can increase the resolution of any image to 2K, 4K, or 8K. Additionally, you can restore the detail in a blurry image or transform an already-sharp image by adding detail or redrawing the image’s subject in a different style.

  • Make sure to check out our Remake guide at https://odysseyapp.io/guides/remake to get the best results.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug that caused the Not enough frames error when using the Animated Image node.

  • Fixed a bug that resulted in a stuttering video when using the Animated Image node.

  • Fixes a batching-related bug in the GPT and Llama nodes.

4/22/24 - Odyssey V1.0.14

* Adds support for Stable Diffusion 3.0 and Stable Diffusion 3.0 Turbo.
* Adds the ability to embed a workflow in an image.
* Adds the ability to open an image that contains an embedded workflow and create a document populated with said workflow.
* Adds a screenshot option to a node's contextual menu.
* Adds the ability to write diffusion metadata into an image's IPTC dictionary.
* Adds a preview interface for an image's diffusion metadata (accessible via the contextual menu in the Batch (Images) node.)

* Adds a textfield to the Blur node’s inspector.
* Improves the performance of the Notes node’s inspector.
* Adds 12 fps, 25 fps, and 50 fps options to the Animated Image node’s inspector.
* Adds the ability to activate a text-based node’s textfield by hitting return if the node is selected.
* Adds escape-key functionality to the Notes node.
* Adds a better explanation text of the Timer node’s functionality.

Bug Fixes
* Fixes a bug that prevented the Instructions textfield in the LLM inspector from scrolling.
* Fixes a bug where some nodes failed to operate after being added via a workflow that was dragged onto the canvas from the sidebar.
* Fixes a layout bug where nodes weren't correctly saving their updated frames.
* Fixes an issue where the Resize Image node wasn't working correctly when included in batch workflow.
* Adds a fix for a bug where a dropped node edge didn't always reliably render a new connection line.
* Fixes a bug where the inspector showed the "Learn More" button for workflows selected from the sidebar.
* Fixes a bug where the Advanced Inspector's background was transparent.
* Fixes a typo in the Not Downloaded label in the Stable Diffusion node's inspector.
* Fixes a bug where the app window was larger than the available screen real estate.
* Fixes a bug where the Settings window didn't receive focus when opened from, for example, Odyssey’s menubar item.
* Fixes a bug that caused node edges to have the wrong label colour.
* Fixes a bug where text nodes didn't respect move to beginning / end of line keyboard shortcuts.

4/03/24 - Odyssey V1.0.12
Shortcuts We’ve added an integration with Apple Shortcuts that allows you to add a Shortcut node to the Odyssey canvas that calls a shortcut directly from Odyssey. It also allows you to set up an Odyssey workflow as a shortcut. We’ll be adding more workflows that include shortcuts in the coming weeks and months: https://www.odysseyapp.io/guides/shortcuts

Batch text We’ve added a batch text node that allows you to connect documents to text based workflows and use them as inputs into LLMs. In the example I attached here, I’ve added a monthly budget CSV and had ChatGPT analyze the information. We’ll be adding numerous LLM workflows, as well as custom LLM support, in the coming weeks and months to really build out this functionality in Odyssey. Batch text is just the first step.

UI Improvements & bug fixes Thank you to anyone who sent in feedback on how to improve Odyssey’s UI! We’ve made a number of improvements:

  • Shift + Command + Spacebar now brings up an action bar

  • - If you drag an unattached edge and drop it wherever we’ll now create a node of the correct kind. If you hold down Option while dragging, an action bar will appear

  • Command + Left Click now drags the canvas. Control + Left Click invokes contextual menus

Recently added

Features that were released with the latest version of Odyssey

5/24/24 - Odyssey V1.0.18


  • Renamed the Advanced section in the Remake node’s inspector to Creativity.

  • The Remake node’s Influence slider has been replaced with a Creativity Amount slider. Note that this change requires a reversal in how the slider previously worked. In other words, a Creativity Amount of 0.4 is equivalent to an Influencevalue of 0.6.

  • Added sensible presets to the Creativity Amount slider. Tip: hover on each one to see an explanation.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug that broke the preview function in the Batch (Images) node.

  • Fixed a bug that broke the Insert menu.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented images from saving properly when embedding a workflow in an image.

  • Fixed a bug that caused batching to fail when using the Remake node.

5/14/24 - Odyssey V1.0.17


  • The Remake node now has a Manual mode. Manual mode lets you target specific regions of an image with customized parameters. For example, you can set your diffusion prompt on a per-tile basis and use different steps and starting-image-influence values for different tiles. Additionally, Manual mode makes it possible to use any image-to-image diffusion model. It also comes with configurable blending zones that make it easier to target very small sections of an image with a highly specialized prompt and blend the result into the surrounding image without creating seams. You learn more about the Remake node’s Manual mode by following our dedicated guide (https://odysseyapp.io/guides/remake) or watching this feature walkthrough (https://youtu.be/w5GygRm12KY?feature=shared).

  • The Remake node’s Automatic mode now includes the option to run a configurable second diffusion pass to add additional detail and iron out any seams caused by the first pass. To access the second-pass option, select a 4K or 8K output resolution.

  • The GPT node now supports GPT-4o. It’s cheaper, faster, and comes with a 128,000-sized context window.


  • Pressing the i key while hovering over a node will display the node’s inspector (if it has one) in a popover next to the node.

  • Pressing the spacebar while hovering over a node with an image preview will produce a larger preview in a dedicated window.

  • Odyssey now persists image data in dedicated files inside Odyssey document bundles. You can access them by right-clicking a workflow in the Finder, selecting Show Package Contents and navigating to the Images folder. This approach comes with significant speed improvements when opening and saving workflows.

5/06/24 - Odyssey V1.0.16


  • The brand-new Remake node lets you reimagine an image by a) upscaling the image with a variety of super-resolution models, and b) enhancing the image’s details with a configurable diffusion model. You can increase the resolution of any image to 2K, 4K, or 8K. Additionally, you can restore the detail in a blurry image or transform an already-sharp image by adding detail or redrawing the image’s subject in a different style.

  • Make sure to check out our Remake guide at https://odysseyapp.io/guides/remake to get the best results.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug that caused the Not enough frames error when using the Animated Image node.

  • Fixed a bug that resulted in a stuttering video when using the Animated Image node.

  • Fixes a batching-related bug in the GPT and Llama nodes.

4/22/24 - Odyssey V1.0.14

* Adds support for Stable Diffusion 3.0 and Stable Diffusion 3.0 Turbo.
* Adds the ability to embed a workflow in an image.
* Adds the ability to open an image that contains an embedded workflow and create a document populated with said workflow.
* Adds a screenshot option to a node's contextual menu.
* Adds the ability to write diffusion metadata into an image's IPTC dictionary.
* Adds a preview interface for an image's diffusion metadata (accessible via the contextual menu in the Batch (Images) node.)

* Adds a textfield to the Blur node’s inspector.
* Improves the performance of the Notes node’s inspector.
* Adds 12 fps, 25 fps, and 50 fps options to the Animated Image node’s inspector.
* Adds the ability to activate a text-based node’s textfield by hitting return if the node is selected.
* Adds escape-key functionality to the Notes node.
* Adds a better explanation text of the Timer node’s functionality.

Bug Fixes
* Fixes a bug that prevented the Instructions textfield in the LLM inspector from scrolling.
* Fixes a bug where some nodes failed to operate after being added via a workflow that was dragged onto the canvas from the sidebar.
* Fixes a layout bug where nodes weren't correctly saving their updated frames.
* Fixes an issue where the Resize Image node wasn't working correctly when included in batch workflow.
* Adds a fix for a bug where a dropped node edge didn't always reliably render a new connection line.
* Fixes a bug where the inspector showed the "Learn More" button for workflows selected from the sidebar.
* Fixes a bug where the Advanced Inspector's background was transparent.
* Fixes a typo in the Not Downloaded label in the Stable Diffusion node's inspector.
* Fixes a bug where the app window was larger than the available screen real estate.
* Fixes a bug where the Settings window didn't receive focus when opened from, for example, Odyssey’s menubar item.
* Fixes a bug that caused node edges to have the wrong label colour.
* Fixes a bug where text nodes didn't respect move to beginning / end of line keyboard shortcuts.

4/03/24 - Odyssey V1.0.12
Shortcuts We’ve added an integration with Apple Shortcuts that allows you to add a Shortcut node to the Odyssey canvas that calls a shortcut directly from Odyssey. It also allows you to set up an Odyssey workflow as a shortcut. We’ll be adding more workflows that include shortcuts in the coming weeks and months: https://www.odysseyapp.io/guides/shortcuts

Batch text We’ve added a batch text node that allows you to connect documents to text based workflows and use them as inputs into LLMs. In the example I attached here, I’ve added a monthly budget CSV and had ChatGPT analyze the information. We’ll be adding numerous LLM workflows, as well as custom LLM support, in the coming weeks and months to really build out this functionality in Odyssey. Batch text is just the first step.

UI Improvements & bug fixes Thank you to anyone who sent in feedback on how to improve Odyssey’s UI! We’ve made a number of improvements:

  • Shift + Command + Spacebar now brings up an action bar

  • - If you drag an unattached edge and drop it wherever we’ll now create a node of the correct kind. If you hold down Option while dragging, an action bar will appear

  • Command + Left Click now drags the canvas. Control + Left Click invokes contextual menus

Recently added

Features that were released with the latest version of Odyssey

5/24/24 - Odyssey V1.0.18


  • Renamed the Advanced section in the Remake node’s inspector to Creativity.

  • The Remake node’s Influence slider has been replaced with a Creativity Amount slider. Note that this change requires a reversal in how the slider previously worked. In other words, a Creativity Amount of 0.4 is equivalent to an Influencevalue of 0.6.

  • Added sensible presets to the Creativity Amount slider. Tip: hover on each one to see an explanation.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug that broke the preview function in the Batch (Images) node.

  • Fixed a bug that broke the Insert menu.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented images from saving properly when embedding a workflow in an image.

  • Fixed a bug that caused batching to fail when using the Remake node.

5/14/24 - Odyssey V1.0.17


  • The Remake node now has a Manual mode. Manual mode lets you target specific regions of an image with customized parameters. For example, you can set your diffusion prompt on a per-tile basis and use different steps and starting-image-influence values for different tiles. Additionally, Manual mode makes it possible to use any image-to-image diffusion model. It also comes with configurable blending zones that make it easier to target very small sections of an image with a highly specialized prompt and blend the result into the surrounding image without creating seams. You learn more about the Remake node’s Manual mode by following our dedicated guide (https://odysseyapp.io/guides/remake) or watching this feature walkthrough (https://youtu.be/w5GygRm12KY?feature=shared).

  • The Remake node’s Automatic mode now includes the option to run a configurable second diffusion pass to add additional detail and iron out any seams caused by the first pass. To access the second-pass option, select a 4K or 8K output resolution.

  • The GPT node now supports GPT-4o. It’s cheaper, faster, and comes with a 128,000-sized context window.


  • Pressing the i key while hovering over a node will display the node’s inspector (if it has one) in a popover next to the node.

  • Pressing the spacebar while hovering over a node with an image preview will produce a larger preview in a dedicated window.

  • Odyssey now persists image data in dedicated files inside Odyssey document bundles. You can access them by right-clicking a workflow in the Finder, selecting Show Package Contents and navigating to the Images folder. This approach comes with significant speed improvements when opening and saving workflows.

5/06/24 - Odyssey V1.0.16


  • The brand-new Remake node lets you reimagine an image by a) upscaling the image with a variety of super-resolution models, and b) enhancing the image’s details with a configurable diffusion model. You can increase the resolution of any image to 2K, 4K, or 8K. Additionally, you can restore the detail in a blurry image or transform an already-sharp image by adding detail or redrawing the image’s subject in a different style.

  • Make sure to check out our Remake guide at https://odysseyapp.io/guides/remake to get the best results.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug that caused the Not enough frames error when using the Animated Image node.

  • Fixed a bug that resulted in a stuttering video when using the Animated Image node.

  • Fixes a batching-related bug in the GPT and Llama nodes.

4/22/24 - Odyssey V1.0.14

* Adds support for Stable Diffusion 3.0 and Stable Diffusion 3.0 Turbo.
* Adds the ability to embed a workflow in an image.
* Adds the ability to open an image that contains an embedded workflow and create a document populated with said workflow.
* Adds a screenshot option to a node's contextual menu.
* Adds the ability to write diffusion metadata into an image's IPTC dictionary.
* Adds a preview interface for an image's diffusion metadata (accessible via the contextual menu in the Batch (Images) node.)

* Adds a textfield to the Blur node’s inspector.
* Improves the performance of the Notes node’s inspector.
* Adds 12 fps, 25 fps, and 50 fps options to the Animated Image node’s inspector.
* Adds the ability to activate a text-based node’s textfield by hitting return if the node is selected.
* Adds escape-key functionality to the Notes node.
* Adds a better explanation text of the Timer node’s functionality.

Bug Fixes
* Fixes a bug that prevented the Instructions textfield in the LLM inspector from scrolling.
* Fixes a bug where some nodes failed to operate after being added via a workflow that was dragged onto the canvas from the sidebar.
* Fixes a layout bug where nodes weren't correctly saving their updated frames.
* Fixes an issue where the Resize Image node wasn't working correctly when included in batch workflow.
* Adds a fix for a bug where a dropped node edge didn't always reliably render a new connection line.
* Fixes a bug where the inspector showed the "Learn More" button for workflows selected from the sidebar.
* Fixes a bug where the Advanced Inspector's background was transparent.
* Fixes a typo in the Not Downloaded label in the Stable Diffusion node's inspector.
* Fixes a bug where the app window was larger than the available screen real estate.
* Fixes a bug where the Settings window didn't receive focus when opened from, for example, Odyssey’s menubar item.
* Fixes a bug that caused node edges to have the wrong label colour.
* Fixes a bug where text nodes didn't respect move to beginning / end of line keyboard shortcuts.

4/03/24 - Odyssey V1.0.12
Shortcuts We’ve added an integration with Apple Shortcuts that allows you to add a Shortcut node to the Odyssey canvas that calls a shortcut directly from Odyssey. It also allows you to set up an Odyssey workflow as a shortcut. We’ll be adding more workflows that include shortcuts in the coming weeks and months: https://www.odysseyapp.io/guides/shortcuts

Batch text We’ve added a batch text node that allows you to connect documents to text based workflows and use them as inputs into LLMs. In the example I attached here, I’ve added a monthly budget CSV and had ChatGPT analyze the information. We’ll be adding numerous LLM workflows, as well as custom LLM support, in the coming weeks and months to really build out this functionality in Odyssey. Batch text is just the first step.

UI Improvements & bug fixes Thank you to anyone who sent in feedback on how to improve Odyssey’s UI! We’ve made a number of improvements:

  • Shift + Command + Spacebar now brings up an action bar

  • - If you drag an unattached edge and drop it wherever we’ll now create a node of the correct kind. If you hold down Option while dragging, an action bar will appear

  • Command + Left Click now drags the canvas. Control + Left Click invokes contextual menus